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Why Are Environmentalists Domesticating Wolves

The Plea From Environmentalists to Domesticate Wolves

It’s rare to see a wolf in the wild. If you are detected, they will be way ahead of you. That’s the nature of a Wild Wolf.

The efforts of an organization and PlanB Foundation, flies in the face of anyone with common sense about the wildness of wild wolves. Although wolves mate for life and create packs to sustain themselves, their existence is to sustain that pack and to do that they kill other wild animals. Domesticating a wolf spells trouble on various fronts including the safety of humans who unwittingly put their trust in an animal that is considered wild.

Moving the wolf into the public domain is not an option. They are wild and should remain as such. Maintaining their numbers should be the charge of state departments of Fish and Wildlife or Natural Resources, not individual public organizations or individuals. Placing these wild animals in the hands of the private sector is a time bomb that we’ll read about in the news. This is true of anyone who fences in any wild animal with the idea “we’re saving the species”.

Millions of people take on the task of harboring wild animals like the wolf who may have good intentions but the outcome is not just catastrophic, but inhumane. They have taken the “wild” out the wild animal.

So goes it with MissionWolf and PlanB (and many other organizations) to convince the public they’re doing good through your donations. It’s not cheap or easy to keep these animals alive. But now they’ve overstepped the line by asking horse owners to donate deceased horses for meat for these wolves.

Kind of ironic and the hypocrisy is that there are animal rights people trying to save wild horses and they also need donations but when they have to put down a wild horse (caged, of course) MissionWolf wants that meat donated. So if a wolf dies, what “green” group wants the wolf meat, bears and tiger owners?

The stupidity is that the minute we begin feeding these animals is the minute you lose the wild wolf you wanted so desperately to keep wild in the first place. The “green” groups want them so bad that they have convinced the Fish and Wildlife Service to import them to the United States. But groups like MissionWolf and PlanB are really mistreating these wolves by feeding them which, then, they become wolf-dogs and, of course, you can buy one on the MissionWolf website. It comes down to “the pragmatic view of the obvious” and the obvious should be biting you in the butt right about now.

From the missions of Plan B, they want to “Develop plans to create a wolf sanctuary near Williams, AZ”. The creation of such sanctuaries is again an attempt to domesticate wolves that these organizations fight to keep wild. It’s an oxymoron view of the obvious, that domesticating wolves, or any other wild animal, should not be the objective. There is only one answer to this and that is the emotional side; that managing wolves is objectionable regardless of the means. Wolves are still wolves and there is no domesticating them. We suggest you get a German Sheppard instead and leave the wolves wild.

Environmentalists At Large

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